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Being charged with a criminal offence can be one of the most stressful
times in a person's life.
The police and Crown counsel seem to have almost limitless resources with which to prosecute you,
and a conviction might prevent you from travelling, jeopardize your job, or even alienate you from
friends and family. I am dedicated to upholding your rights, and preventing these things from
happening to you. I also explain every step in the criminal process, as well as any potential
result, so that you understand what is happening every step of the way.
I work tirelessly on your behalf to ensure that you receive the
best possible outcome in your circumstances.
No case is too small, nor too difficult or unpopular. Often, a person faced
with criminal charges reacts by giving up and accepting whatever the police and prosecutors have
said about him or her. You don't have to do this. There are usually many ways to approach your
problem and I work to help find the best one for you.